
2nd Grade Physical Education

What's happening in 2nd Grade PE Class? We started off the school year with small groups working together to follow directions and complete a task. Here are some examples of what they had to do. Each group had to make a hula hut and send someone through the hut without it falling. Then do the same thing but now send someone through blind folded. They had to join with another group and build two huts on top of each other. They did great. These skills will help them when working together in the classroom as well. 

7th Grade Pickleball

Hello 7th grade parents, I hope your child has been coming home excited about playing Pickleball in Physical Education Class these past couple of weeks. They have been playing very well together in their boy/girl partners. It is a growing experience for them and something they will remember for years to come. Take a close look and see who has made a guest appearance showing off her skills. Please enjoy some action shots below...