Welcome Back To P.E.
Hi Parents, I am Stacy Marchese, the Physical Education Teacher at St. Katharine of Siena School. I will be teaching your son/daughter PE once a week. I am looking forward to an awesome year! We will be playing fun games and many teamwork activities. My goal is for everyone to leave with a smile!! If you ever need to get in touch with me, please feel free to email me at smarchese@sksschool.org . You can always find it on the SKS home page. Welcome to my new blog. I wanted a way to communicate to the entire school important information throughout the year. I will be using this to post the Activity Calendar for grades K - 4. Jump Rope for Heart information and anything else that may come along. One change this year is my uniform policy . Every student is required to wear the SKS PE uniform (new or old logo) on Physical Education days. Here is the new policy : *Every child gets two misses of their uniform per trimester. If they miss a third time, they will receive a Demerit . A...