Easter games in Physical Education Class

As we get ready for the beautiful Easter holiday, I thought it would be fun to play some Easter games in Physical Education Class. Ask your child what they did during the Easter Stations. To give you an idea, they were rolling like an egg. Having an egg toss with silly hands. Completing a scavenger hunt with verses from the Bible about the stations of the cross. Matching the upper case letters with the lower case letters on the eggs. Balancing an egg on a spoon while walking on a balance beam.

We went on an Easter Egg Hunt. Some of the classes were able to go outside and hunt for their eggs while others did it in the classroom.  Either way, it was a lot of fun. They liked hiding the eggs just as much as finding them.

I hope everyone has a beautiful Easter and wonderful time with the family over this holiday break. Enjoy the family time as it goes by so fast. Maybe take a walk with your kids. You would be surprised how much they will enjoy it. Don't forget about the PE homework. Always fun things to do to get moving.


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